
News & Events


      Admissions are open for classes Nursery to XI (Science, Commerce & Humanities) for the session 2023-2024

    Result of 2022-23

    Congratulations everyone for the Excellent result in class X & XII Board Examination  





1. Checktile school bag, haircut, nails, uniform and punctuality of your ward in themorning.

2. Makesure to see off your ward on the school bus-Stop. Be with him/her untill buspicks him/

her up.

3. It isalways advisable to write to school about the problems of your ward or forseeking

guidance.Your letters will be replied to after discussion with concerned teachers. Incase

parentswant a discussion with more than one teacher, a meeting will be arranged withthe


4. Checkyou ward's ALMANAC daily. Sign the remarks ifand take necessary action.

5. Seethat your ward carries books/exercise books according to the time-table for theday. No

extrabooks are allowed. See that he / she is prepared for the Weekly Test. Also seehis/her

Reportprogress and Teachers remarks in his class Assignment/ home Assignment exercise

books.Sign the Report - sheet in the ALMANAC regularly.

6.Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricularactivities and sports.

7.Restrict daily pocket money. Excessivc spending should be discouraged .

8.Children should not bring crackers, colours and expensive articles liketransistors, mobile

phones,calculator etc. to the school, Bursting of crackers and playing with colours isliable to

lead toexpulsion of student from the school.

9. Yourward should be instructed to be careful about his/her belongings, like shoes,blazers,

sweatersetc. They are also not aIlowcd to wear jewellery in school, In case ofviolation of this

rule, thearticle will be confiscated.

10. Theschool bears no responsibility for articles lost in school. In case of a loss,a letter giving

detailsof the loss may be sent to the Class Teacher who would extend help as much aspossible.

11. lfyour ward is absent from the school he/she must make up for all the work missedby him/her.

12. Ifyour ward is to leave the school campus during school hours in an emergency,the guardian

shouldobtain a gate pass from the Principal. This must be presented to the ClassTeacher at

the time of leaving.

A human being is not attaining his full heights until he iseducated.”